/Info1/Material_Referencia/NCURSES.html ------------------------ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8792317/why-cant-i-find-conio-h-on-linux conio.h is a C header file used in old MS-DOS compilers to create text user interfaces. Compilers that targeted non-DOS operating systems, such as Linux, Win32 and OS/2, provided different implementations of these functions. The #include will give you almost all the functionalities that was provided in conio.h For getch() class of functions, you can try this: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/NCURSES-Programming-HOWTO/scanw.html#GETCHCLASS ------------------------ The original conio.h was implemented by Borland, so its not a part of the C Standard Library nor is defined by POSIX. But here is an implementation for Linux that uses ncurses to do the job: http://sourceforge.net/projects/linux-conioh/ A popular Linux library which has similar functionality would be ncurses: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ncurses