--------------------- CGDB : Curses GDB --------------------- Modo consola, recomendado: sudo apt-get install cgdb GDB por defecto: * ESC : pasa a modo source window (CGDB) * i : vuelve a modo GDB Modo Source window (CGDB): * Funcionan las flechas para moverse * Mas funcs: file:///home/ignacio/Desktop/Info1/0-Clase24/cgdb.html#CGDB-Mode Breakpoints (space bar): * You can set or delete breakpoints in CGDB from the source window. * Simply navigate to the line that you are interested in setting a breakpoint, and hit the space bar. * This will set a breakpoint on the line if one did not already exist. * The line number should turn red to indicate that a breakpoint has been set. * Hitting the space bar again will delete the breakpoint. * If you disable the breakpoint, the line number will turn yellow, to represent the disabled breakpoint.