
  1. Sysadmin: Systems Administrator
  2. DevOps: You build it, you run it.
  3. SRE: Systems Reliability Engineer
  4. Platform Engineering: DevOps Is Dead...

And yet something new... Why?!? DevOps primary consequence
is the increasing cognitive load put on developers.

Are they really different?

Primary goals...

  • DevOps: Optimize the development process.
  • SRE: Maximum application reliability.
  • Platform Engineering: Optimize the speed and efficiency of software delivery operations.

Article: How is Platform Engineering Different from DevOps and SRE?

Syadmin, DevOps or SRE?

Let's call it: Modern System Administration


  • Hosting: Digital Ocean, Linode, AWS, GCS, Azure, Heroku, ...
  • Hosting services: Acquia, Pantheon, Platform...
  • Networking: Load balancers, VPNs, letsEncrypt, etc...
  • Caching Services: CloudFlare, Netlify, CDNs, etc...
  • Local Envs & Docker: Docksal, Lando, DDEV, others...
  • Languages: Bash, Python, YML, Ansible, terraform, etc...
  • CI/CD: CircleCI, Github Actions, GitlabCI, Bitbucket pipelines, Jenkins, etc...
  • Monitoring: CloudWatch, NewRelic, Prometheus, Grafana, others...


What we can use today

  • On-Prem
  • Cloud Computing:
    • Virtual Machines
    • Containers
    • Serverless

Cloud Computing

VMs, Cointainers or Serverless?

Cloud Computing Mayor Players

"minor" players: DO, Linode, Vultr

Cloud Services

Caching Services

  • CloudFlare
  • Netlify
  • AWS CloudFront
  • Azure CDN
  • Fastly
  • Akamai
  • ...

Network & Security

  • IPv4 vs IPv6
  • Load balancers
  • Private Virtual Networks
  • VPNs
  • letsEncrypt


Do you know what your Drupal is doing? Observe it!
(Prometheus & Graphana example @ Drupal Prague 2022)


And its moving parts


  • dockerfile
  • host, images, container, ...
  • Registry
  • Docker Compose
  • ...

Docker Compose

Why? You can define your application stack in a file (and use it to build it).

Making it simple...

Why? Templates for Drupal, Wordpress, LAMP, Node, etc...


CI/CD alternatives

(continuous integration & continuous delivery/deployment)

  • CircleCI
  • Github Actions
  • GitlabCI
  • Bitbucket pipelines
  • Jenkins


weKnow articles: CircleCI 101 & Github Actions.

Programming & Languages

Bash, Python & YAML

Infrastructure as code


What do you want hear about next?

  • Cloud Computing (ie. AWS)
  • Docker (innerworking, build & debug)
  • CI/CD (ie. CircleCI)
  • Network, Security & Monitoring
  • Something different?

Link to survey